Sunday, November 24, 2013

Junque Gal at Junk in the Trunk

What a great time Junk In The Trunk is! I get to meet so many junkers who get my visions and appreciate my ideas! We had a great day, me with my rusty and painted finds and Pat with her vintage shabby finds. 
Well we started out with our booth cramped full of goodies! 
Hated to see this Comet pedal car go but it went to a good home!
My refurbished office chair was a hit and sold as did most of these items!
This red cart sold right away and my recovered doctor's chair went to a favorite customer! I wasn't sure if the bright yellow table would be for everyones taste but one special someone bought it!

These 4 outdoor metal chairs with recovered seats went to a great lady!

Saturday Junkin'

Just love the rusty goodness!

These legs will make a great base to table!! And after I add a basket to the stroller it will make a great cart for shopping at the flea market! The cart with the basket came from a midwife's house, it used to hold the newborn babies!

This watering trough will make a great planter or table or hold ice and drinks for a party

Junque Gal at Sweet Salvage 'Tis The Season!

Well imagine my surprise and delight to be asked to be a part of Sweet Salvage 'Tis the Season!! I set up out side by the front window. I went with a white, black, silver & turquoise theme!
The round table with a Paris stencil sold as well as the almost pristine white metal kitchen cart!
I thought this sign would be cute for a Holiday decoration 25 days of Christmas!

I just love this aluminum coated table so much it almost didn't make it to the show, it would look fabulous in my living room but it is kinda fancy for me!
This cement Madonna would go any where inside or out!
This sparkly pine tree with vintage jewelry decorations went to a new home!
I took a vintage hand vase and painted the nails silver and added a burlap bow!

Kim was nice enough to add some of my junque inside when the rain started! How exciting!

I was inspired to make this galvanized container into a decorated tussy! It could hold mail, magazines, guest towels or whatever!
And I even added some glitter with this MERRY sign and the lamp shades for these gorgeous glass lamps!!